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Providing data for a chart

You can add data to a chart in many different ways. You could provide data like this:

  • An array of numbers
data: [1, 2, 3];
  • An array of x/y pairs
data: [
x: 1990,
y: 248709873,
x: 2000,
y: 281421906,
x: 2010,
y: 308745538,
  • Dictionary of arrays of x/y pairs
data: {
Australia: [
x: 2010,
y: 22019168
x: 2011,
y: 22357034
x: 2012,
y: 22729269
Canada: [
x: 2010,
y: 33963412
x: 2011,
y: 34323531
x: 2012,
y: 34691878

You can make a Chart by providing data like this:

type: "line",
element: myElement,
data: [1, 2, 3],

Additionally, you can provide the following metadata to any data point:

  • label, which will be provided to the user as they navigate individual data points.
  • custom, which is a payload that will never be surfaced to the user, but will be made available programmatically through functionality like onFocusCallback or getCurrent.
  • children, which is used for hierarchical charts, such as treemaps.

For example:

data: [
label: "California",
x: 250,
y: 760,
custom: {
idRef: "b7b8ddca-6777-44a9-9bd3-b0ef89982708"

Plots with multiple categories

You can make grouped bar charts, multi-line line charts, etc, simply by providing multiple arrays of data.

In this example, the line chart will have 2 lines (Australia and Canada), each with 3 data points (for 2010, 2011, and 2012):

type: "line",
element: myElement,
data: {
Australia: [
x: 2010,
y: 22019168,
x: 2011,
y: 22357034,
x: 2012,
y: 22729269,
Canada: [
x: 2010,
y: 33963412,
x: 2011,
y: 34323531,
x: 2012,
y: 34691878,

More complex chart types

You don't need to just provide y; You can also provide high or low. Here's a band plot example:

type: "band",
element: myElement,
data: [
x: 1,
high: 100,
low: 80,
x: 2,
high: 101,
low: 79,
x: 1,
high: 99,
low: 75,

You can also include open or close. Here's a candlestick example:

type: "candlestick",
element: myElement,
data: [
x: 1,
open: 90,
high: 100,
low: 80,
close: 85,
x: 2,
open: 80,
high: 101,
low: 79,
close: 90
x: 1,
open: 93,
high: 99,
low: 75,
close: 80

We also support boxplots. However, instead of the typical min and max, we use low and high instead:

type: "box",
element: myElement,
data: [
x: 1,
high: 100,
q3: 95,
median: 90,
q1: 85,
low: 80,
outlier: [140]
x: 2,
high: 101,
q3: 90,
median: 88,
q1: 85,
low: 79,
x: 1,
high: 99,
q3: 96,
median: 84,
q1: 80,
low: 75,
outlier: [50, 58, 20]

Multiple plot types

If you want to show multiple types of plots on the same chart, you can provide those types as an array.

Here's an example of a band plot AND a line plot.

type: ["band", "line"],
element: myElement,
data: {
"Moving average": [
x: 1,
high: 100,
low: 80,
x: 2,
high: 101,
low: 79,
x: 3,
high: 99,
low: 75,
Close: [
x: 1,
y: 88,
x: 2,
y: 90,
x: 3,
y: 93,

Alternative axes

This example shows a bar-line chart, where the bar and line charts are plotted against 2 different axes.

type: ["bar", "line"],
element: myElement,
data: {
Volume: [
x: 1,
y: 100000,
x: 2,
y: 110000,
x: 3,
y: 108000,
ClosingPrice: [
x: 1,
y2: 115.29,
x: 2,
y2: 130.06,
x: 3,
y2: 110.18,